Author Archives: sandinak

UnixSig Presentation

I spoke at UnixSig here at Langley yesterday about my use of SVN for maintaining common unix environments. Went well and I am putting my notes up here. It’s a cool way to maintain your dotfiles and other unix-ish configuration … Continue reading

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Call from Sprint

More information… they asked several questions: – where is the store – who was the sales person They’re undecided wether they are going to allow me to return the unit… because they want to talk to the DM and the … Continue reading

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Harsh Words for Professional Infosec Certification

Harsh Words for Professional Infosec Certification. Very interesting article.  Says alot about the state of affairs.  How many people have just Security + and are doing system engineering?  I’ve seen this many times.

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Sprint Phonecall

Wow .. so apparently people do listen ( and read the internet ). Just got a phone call from them. Continue reading

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Sprint Adjustment

This is definately a step in the right direction. They performed an adjustment, but didn’t change my account type on my new card to the unlimited access which matches the old card. Continue reading

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We’re at Yellow

ISC has us at yellow for the latest windows vulnerability. If you’re a security geek.. you should go here at least once every few days to see what’s up. Lock down your windows boxes 😉

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Word back from Sprint…

Got this back .. I think it was a form letter .. but not sure .. we’ll see how it goes. Case ID 30126074 Thank you for contacting Sprint. We have received your email and a member of our Business … Continue reading

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Nice Friendly Email

So just sent this email as a response to their ‘Customer Service Survey’… boy those things can be convenient some times… o Whom it may Concern, The phonecall that I had this morning with customer service was less than well … Continue reading

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Cool Hacking Tools

So found these on this morning: – .. a nice version of linux thats easier to hack than the normal version ( but not much 😉 – – a payware WPA cracking tool .. also nice .. … Continue reading

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How to talk to Sprint…

Found this useful url … “How to get Sprint PCS to listen to your complaint” And have posted my complaint as well as the location of this URL.. Submission Confirmation: 2000B Acknowledgment & Fax Cover sheet to submit additional information. … Continue reading

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