Nice Friendly Email

So just sent this email as a response to their ‘Customer Service Survey’… boy those things can be convenient some times…

o Whom it may Concern,

The phonecall that I had this morning with customer service was less than well received. I explained my situation:

– we had purchased a new 3G/4G WAP for use on our contract.

– we had NOT been told that the new device would transition from a ‘unlimited use’ to a ‘5 GB Limit use’ at time of purchase,

– we had been told that *both* devices would have the same unlimited plan.

Customer service told me that their hands were tied and all they could offer me was a $100 off my bill. This is completely unreasonable as what was offered as part of the sale is NOT what was delivered. I stated several times that I wanted these charges removed due to the lack of notice, and that I wanted the ‘connection cared data plan’ as was offered at the time of sale.

Customer service refused.

I have since started a campaign ‘’ and posted that url and the details as many places around the internet as I can find. If you take the time to ‘google’ my name, you will find that I have been around the internet for years, and am well known. I will use that exposure to my advantage. Further, I will be contacting the Better Business Bureau. the Consumer Protection Agency and my local ’10 on your side’ ( ) news group which works to publicize incidents such as these. I have also filed with the FCC Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau and your executive management will soon see complaint #10-C00232458. You may expect that if this issue continues to exist, I will escalate the issue further and further.

I would like to ask that Sprint does the right thing here, removes the charges and resolves this dispute. You may contact me at any time at this email address, or by posting a comment at the above mentioned url. I look forward to discussing this issue and resolving it.


Branson Matheson

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